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KönigsSystems team tests new pulsed laser deposition setup at Super ADAM (ILL, Grenoble).


Updated: May 29, 2024

During the first week of April, the Koenigssystems team successfully carried out initial testing of their thin film growth pulsed laser deposition setup at neutron reflectometer Super ADAM (ILL, Grenoble). The growth chamber was positioned within a 70 mm gap of the pole magnets. A high-quality vacuum level below 5*10^-8 mBar was consistently maintained during both the deposition and analysis phases of the samples. The test phase resulted in the creation of complex multilayer Si/SiO2//Mo/(CoFeB/Mo)x12 structures. The team conducted detailed analyses to examine how variations in layer thicknesses and system annealing (up to 500°C) influenced the magnetic and structural characteristics. The tests were completed with positive outcomes, providing a wealth of valuable insights that enhanced our comprehension of the interplay between growth technology and research methodologies in an actual experimental context.


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